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Poem No. 3 - (for Beckett) by Marc Isaac Potter

Poem No 3 - (for Beckett)

“ He was listening in the dusk …  listening so intently that he did not hear her enter. “  (

from short fiction  “Assumption” in the book  The Complete Short Prose  1929- 1989  [

pg 5 ] …  by Samuel Beckett.

The pancake syrup bottle


for its emptiness.

Long ago a clipper ship 

passed through its delicious bay.

walnuts sailing through 

early morning of the Day.

He was listening 

in the early morning

for the rudders of the Walnuts 

to scrape against the pancakes.

Originally published by Sledgehammer Lit

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them) … is a differently-abled writer living in the SF Bay Area.

Marc’s interests include blogging by email and Zen.

They have been published in Fiery Scribe Review,

Feral A Journal of Poetry and Art, Poetic Sun Poetry, and Provenance Journal.

Twitter is @marcisaacpotter.


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