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Kornbread Dreams of Brighter Days to Come by Alex Carrigan

It’s Dick:35pm somewhere!

Still time to let it free from the cages.

I’m so down to shake a titty.

This is porn. Messy ass

can’t even be a ho in peace.

And I won’t lie and say it’s easy.

We just grade each other’s

nudes to send to trade.

I’m screenshot-ting this.

Let’s see the results tomorrow.

Lmfao I’mma still complain.

Just ate my last chicken tender for the next six months.

I actually used to get vegan before I started drag.

For three years. Got tons of evidence haha.

I wake up every day THANKFUL

I’m practically representing myself

and my best interest for my career.

Feels good to know I’m not being cheated.

Baby, I own my song lol.

This tweet with this song is so dramatic

and it’s what we all need for breakfast.

Never let a bad thing block you

from happiness:

it happens to the best of us.

But if we don’t move on we allow them to win.

Bitch, you on a roll.

That’s how it’s supposed to be!

Source: @kornbreadTMFS

Originally Published by diphthong lit 2022

Alex Carrigan (he/him; @carriganak) is an editor, poet, and critic from Virginia. His debut poetry chapbook, May All Our Pain Be Champagne: A Collection of Real Housewives Twitter Poetry (Alien Buddha Press, 2022), was longlisted for Perennial Press' 2022 Chapbook Awards. He has had fiction, poetry, and literary reviews published in Quail Bell Magazine, Lambda Literary Review, Barrelhouse, Sage Cigarettes (Best of the Net Nominee, 2023), 'Stories About Penises' (Guts Publishing, 2019), and more.


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