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Sepulcher by Kristin Garth

I’m bones beneath your buried breaths.  Our vault 

of ink bequeaths a dozen deaths.  You cut

me in our currency.  A shank, assault 

syllabic, dissects veins emptied. Your slut

cadaver cannot shut you out.  Through page,

our slab, you stroke a skeleton devout. 

My sockets slick with sympathy.  Your rage 

a specter, sentient without pity. 

It haunts in hostile homilies.  Our grave:

redundant, symbiotic agonies. 

The cruelest cuts, for books, we both shall save.

Our heat you heighten with hyperbole;

we’re bound in leather for eternity.

Originally published by Moonchild Magazine

Kristin Garth is a womanchildish Pushcart, Rhysling nominated sonneteer and a Best of the Net 2020 finalist, the author of THE MEADOW (a novel from Alien Buddha Press, October 2022) and 26 more books of poetry and prose.


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